Heil Santorum – The New US Dictator

Category : American Politics, Gay Rights, Religion, Women's Health

One of the most dangerous people rising in American Politics is Rick Santorum. Many religious people believe that he can bring a religious component to a country whose very foundation rests upon freedom of religion, that being the First Amendment and the indoctrination of separation of church and state. The Catholic religion is so oppressive that 98% of Catholic-American women do not follow its views on contraception. There are other Vatican-related views that many Catholic-American women also do not follow, such as having sex with their husband for purposes other than to have children (such as intimacy), divorcing abusive husbands to protect themselves and their children. Many Catholic-American women seek treatment after being raped, which is also not acceptable by the Catholic church, even though it’s not abortion, it’s still contraception. There are no rules to protect women against the physically intrusive abuse afflicted upon them by men. They must bear it.

If a person of Catholic faith wants to argue these points, that’s fine. You’re still allowed to practice your religion.  But I’m not a Catholic, nor do I want to become one. With all due respect, some of the basic tenents of the Catholic religion go against my very core as a human being and as woman. I work. I vote. I pay taxes. My body is mine and mine alone. When I die, my heart will stop beating and the blood will stop running through my veins. It’s all mine, all the time, from the beginng of my time until the end of my time. Nobody, and I do mean nobody, has the right to make decisions about my body except me.

Santorum doesn’t believe in the separation of church and state.  He said he felt like “throwing up” after listening to a famous speech by President Kennedy, because, unlike JFK, Rick believes that the church and state should be combined. Rick would then take his lead from the Vatican, with no respect to the religious views of others, which would only be fitting for a Catholic nation.  Too bad if you’re Protestant, or Evangelical Christian or Baptist or Jewish, or Muslim, or agnostic or athiest. If we become a Catholic nation, you may not have all the freedoms you have now, and we may change a few laws around making sure that only men of Catholic perusation can become president of the US, or maybe we can change some laws in the private sector. Maybe only Catholics can have money. Sorry if you’re a Protestant, you’ll have to move. The Catholics want your house. It’s a very slippery slope. It may seem close to your religion now, but what if it’s not close enough? Don’t think it can happen? It did in Germany. Remember that nice guy Hitler? He took advantage of the German people during a crisis. In fact, one good crisis is really all it takes to convince people to give up their rights. Think of all the rights we’ve “willingly” given up in the name of security since 9/11. We’re prime for someone like Rick Santorum. Here are some other ways Rick will keep the average American down:

According to Rick, education is not the American dream after all, just something that snobby people want. Rick has an MBA and a law degree, and expects all of HIS children to go to college or become skilled in a trade, but not yours.  I forget who he said is the snob. Higher education is for the elite, and Rick wants to keep it that way.
Rick doesn’t believe women should have control of their bodies, and certainly not their reproductive health since it’s against his religion. If you think welfare is expensive now, wait until you see how much it costs with a new and explosive wave of unplanned pregnancies by women who can’t afford contraception, let alone children. Any woman who takes her health or body into her own hands will be handled by Rick personally. He’ll hold you down, shove a probe into your vagina and make you watch it all on a computer screen. Well, that’s not fair, you’re allowed to close your eyes. And yes, this is really on many state ballots right now, which Rick supports. No joke.

Rick says women do not belong in the work force. They should be minding their husbands and keeping the house in order.  There is no other purpose for women.

Rick wants gay military to hide their sexuality so as not to distract the real men of the military.

Rick believes that neither women nor gays should serve in the military. No point honoring any of their achievements or bravery, as they are a “distraction” to the heterosexual men on the battlefield.

Rick thinks the best way to rejuvenate the economy is to get women and gays out of the workforce and give their jobs to men who have families to support.

Rick’s goal is to repeal any and all social freedoms that contradict his religious views. He’ll be in your bedroom making sure you don’t have sex unless you plan to have children (which the husbands will determine), he’ll be refusing your kids a higher education, he’ll put women back in the kitchen where they belong, which will open up tons of jobs for men, he’ll be shoving gays and lesbians back in the closet (or refusing them jobs), and he’ll be ruling with an iron fist. He says he wants less government, but without more government, how can he possibly enforce all of these things? Oh, that’s right, our kids will have less access to higher education, so it shouldn’t be too hard to push them around.

You’ll have less education, no women grabbing your job (assuming you’re a guy since women have no business working, especially not being in the military or politics), more kids, and a new national religion. “Life, liberty and the pursuit of Rick Santorum’s idea of happiness.” The new Declaration of Independence. Rick will consult with the Roman Pope and together they’ll give you a briefing on the new theology-based US Laws.  Be home by 7 pm. That’s the new curfew by the way.

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