Rush needs to go

Category : American Politics, Religion, Women's Health

Rush Limbaugh went way too far, and the Republican candidates are way too scared to say so. Maybe they’re afraid. Maybe they’re afraid of Rush Limbaugh. He’s certainly more powerful than they are.

Sandra Fluke testified about the medical benefits of contraception medication, specifically for its benefits in treating ovarian cysts. However, women in her college were denied access to this form of medical treatment because this medication is also used for birth control. One of the women she was referring to lost one of her ovaries because her Catholic college didn’t believe that her health was more important than making sure she was prepared to breed for them.

Rush acts like medical insurance is free to these women, even taking ownership of it himself as though his taxes pay for their insurance, which is not the case.  These women PAID for their college education, and their medical benefits are included in that tuition, which is true for most colleges. This isn’t a government handout, unless you think that college students who pay their tuition get anything free. That’s a joke – just ask anyone burdened with student loans. And the other side of this coin is about WORKING American women, who obviously don’t need Viagra (not a word about not covering this from the Catholics), but whose health needs should be addressed between them and their doctor as opposed to being dictated by religiously-driven legislature or employers who could care less about the health and well-being of their female employees.

Nobody’s stopping preachers from preaching from their pulpits, but the First Amendment clearly states that no religion shall dictate our legislature. Women need health care, and there is no question in this country that American women actively choose to use birth control since they bear the brunt of the physical and financial responsibility of pregnancy and beyond. For these reasons alone it should be offered in every single medical plan.

This is a direct attack against women who work and or who are otherwise buying into their own health insurance – 99% of American women to be exact. And why is it that Rush thinks HE is entitled to anything? He’s not entitled to ruin someone’s reputation just because he feels like it. He’s not paying for anything at all – the women pay for it by paying for their tuition, or by employers of working American women (who have no “moral issue” paying for Viagra). This isn’t about tax money at all.

Rush was completely out of line and I hope Ms. Fluke sues him for everything he’s got.

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